Father Dominic Shunk, CPPS of Minster formed a congregation of twenty Irish families.
The first parish house was built shortly after.
The parish debt of $1230 was paid for the church building
The bell tower and vestibule were added. The bell Christina (600 lbs.) arrived from St. Louis. The bells, Joseph (800 lbs.) and Maria (500 lbs.)arrived in July 1894. The bells were hung and blessed on August 15, 1894 by Rev. A. Voag of Minster.
Sanctuary and sacristy were added to the church.
First wood-framed rectory was moved to 9243 State Route 119 and the present rectory was built.
The Crucifixion group was erected in our cemetery.
Electricity was installed in the church.
The Sacred Heart School was built.
Fr. Lawrence Meyer was pastor.
Due to the Great Depression, new tax laws and not having a high school, the church sold the school to the McCartyville School District for $31,900.
An 80 mile-per-hour wind destroyed the church on March 19. Services were held in the school gymnasium for the next five years.
Sacred Heart Church has 156 registered families when the cornerstone for the new church was laid in May. The building was built from Indiana limestone. The main alter was made of Caracas marble and carved wooden statues of the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph were imported from Italy.
The new church was dedicated in 1953.
Pastor Fr. Edward Summe died.
The parish debt was over $250,000.
Fr. Leo Herlihy, the new pastor, began parish socials and homecomings.
The Anna-McCartyville School District was created and added the Kettlersville School to the district.
The Msgr. Kuenle 5239 Council of the Knights of Columbus was established.
The CCD program was established for parish students not attending the McCartyville School.
Church picnics ended.
The church installed the stained glass windows.
During the pastorate of Fr. Charles Rohrkemper, preschool classes were added to the CCD program.
CCD classes totaled 312, 82 released time from McCartyville School; 118 on Monday evening, 112 high school pupils on Wednesday evening.
Electric motors were installed to the bells and once again, they rang out as a call to worship.
The Sacred Heart Mission Commission was established.
The Altar Rosary Society sponsored the first "Radio Rosary".
The parish has approximately 300 registered families.
McCartyville School housed only fifth and sixth graders from the Anna Local School District. All 320 students in grades 1-12 attended CCD classes on Wednesday evening.
Fr. Gerald Bensman, a parish son, became pastor after the death of Fr. Michael Hussey.
Computers were purchased for the office.
The handicapped lift was installed.
The Baptismal font was moved to the front of the church.
The former confessionals were converted into penance rooms to allow for face-to-face confessions.
The Eucharistic Adoration Chapel was opened in 1998.
On January 22, Sacred Heart Parish bought the McCartyville School at public auction for $31,000 and changed the school back to the original name of Sacred Heart School.
First year of Vacation School of Religion.
The CCD program enrolled 457 students.
Fr. Patrick Duffy became pastor of Sacred Heart Parish.
A Rachel Shrine is erected in front of the church to remind us of the unborn.
The parish purchased the Clarence and Mary Raterman property to the east of the school.
Fr. Patrick Welsh became pastor.
New plaza steps were constructed in front of the church.
Traveling statues became part of the church.
Holy hour and benediction started on the 1st Sunday of the month.
There are 575 families in the parish.
The sanctuary was refaced.
Fr. Daniel Schmitmeyer was ordained on May 20 and said his first Mass on May 21, 2006 at Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Groundbreaking for the new worship facility was on August 15.
CCD enrollment for the school year 2006-2007 was 487 students.
Deacon Paul Luthman was ordained on April 28th.
There are 650 families in the parish.
Our new church was dedicated on Father's Day, June 17, 2007.
Fr. John W. Tonkin became pastor.
The baseball diamond was built east of the cemetery.
The sanctuary lamp from the original church was installed in the current sanctuary in time for Christmas Masses.
The Sacred Heart School was torn down.
Fr. Ignatius was ordained on May 27 and held his Mass of Thanksgiving on June 4, 2011 at Sacred Heart of Jesus.
The baseball diamond shelter house was built.
Planning is underway to build new offices on the site of the Raterman property.
The undercroft was finished and contains 11 classrooms.
The Parish office was completed.
The Parish Activity Center (PAC) was constructed and dedicated in December of 2015.
There are 750 registered families and 460 students enrolled in CCD classes
Father Stephen Mondiek became Pastor
The new church rectory construction was completed.
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati Beacons of Light Program formed the Northwest 7 family of parishes: Sacred Heart of Jesus in McCartyville, St. Michael in Fort Loramie, Ss Peter and Paul in Newport, and Holy Angels in Sidney are now a family of parishes
Pastor: Rev. Jarred Kohn; Parochial Vicars: Rev. Stephen Mondiek, Rev. Aaron Hess, and Rev. Andrew Reckers
Pastor: Rev. John Tonkin; Parochial Vicars: Rev. Stephen Mondiek, Rev. Alex Biryomumeisho, and Rev. Andrew Reckers